
Afrimat Whistle-Blowing

Afrimat Whistle-Blowing Any employee, customer or supplier of Afrimat Limited or its subsidiaries should report any of the following wrongdoings to the Afrimat Whistle-Blowing Hotline:

It is crucial that key information be provided to allow Afrimat to properly assess, and if required, investigate the claim.

Important details include, but are not limited to:

Contact Details

To speak to one of our whistle-blowing officials, contact:

Piet van Zyl

Internal Audit

Tel: 071 400 4471

Renier van Coller

General Manager: People

Tel: 021 917 8706

Reach Out

You may leave out your name, contact, and email details should you wish to remain anonymous.

All information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Max. file size: 4 MB.
Should you need to upload documentation to support your report, please upload here. Please combine all content into one document, no larger than 4MB. (Should your supporting information exceed 4MB, please do multiple submissions.)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Beware of Investments Scams

Afrimat has noted an increase in fraudulent Telegram and WhatsApp accounts, utilising Afrimat’s Corporate Identity and/or the names and photos of senior Afrimat management, offering services ranging from investment brokering to cryptocurrency trading.

Afrimat has never, and does not intend to in future, offer any financial, investment or related services through any platform.

Afrimat only trades through the regulated stock exchange of the JSE and A2X.

Any other investment scheme or financial service on any platform other than these regulated stock exchanges, are false.

Please direct any scams to our Whistle-Blowing hotline: 

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions