
Afrimat is committed to delivering

Sustainable growth & wealth creation

Afrimat is committed to delivering sustainable growth and wealth creation for shareholders and at the same time protecting the environment and enhancing the quality of life of its employees and empowering communities affected by its operations.

As such the company’s vision, mission, values and strategic objectives are integrated into policies, procedures, decision-making processes and operations, with sustainability as the ultimate objective.

Afrimat’s Social, Ethics & Sustainability Committee is responsible for monitoring and regulating the impacts of the group on its material stakeholders and environments. Although management is tasked with overseeing the day-to-day operational sustainability of their respective areas of business, and reporting thereon to the committee, the board retains ultimate responsibility for group sustainability.

Environmental Assessments:


Contact Us for more Information

Please feel free to contact us should you need assistance or if you have any questions.

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions