BioLim Animal Hygiene Lime

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BioLim Animal Hygiene Lime

Fine white to off-white powder.
White hydrated lime specifically made for animal hygiene control.


White hydrated lime.

Hygienic and eco-friendly product that creates a stable alkali environment inhibiting bacterial growth, improving biosecurity, reducing odours and preventing the spread of contagious disease:
  • Kills bacteria
  • Cost effective
  • Easily applied
  • Lasting protection

Benefits include:

  • Reduces hoof infection
  • Improves hygiene in pens
  • Improves biosecurity
  • Protects against Avian influenza, Newcastle disease and other bacterial infections
  • Reduces fly activity
  • Hygiene and antiseptic whitewash
  • pH control
  • Reduces acidity/pH control of farm effluent
  • Helps prevent mould and condensation problems

Beware of Investments Scams

Afrimat has noted an increase in fraudulent Telegram and WhatsApp accounts, utilising Afrimat’s Corporate Identity and/or the names and photos of senior Afrimat management, offering services ranging from investment brokering to cryptocurrency trading.

Afrimat has never, and does not intend to in future, offer any financial, investment or related services through any platform.

Afrimat only trades through the regulated stock exchange of the JSE and A2X.

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Please direct any scams to our Whistle-Blowing hotline: 

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions