It has come to our attention that several falsified digital media platforms and company documents are circulating externally, through which scammers are utilising Afrimat’s good name and reputation to defraud unsuspecting individuals.
Company correspondence, documents and banking details
Email correspondence from Afrimat will always, and only, come from the official Afrimat domain: Always verify correspondence by checking that the domain name is correct.
Afrimat’s banking details have not changed. Should such changes occur in future, relevant stakeholders will be informed of such changes by trusted leadership within the business. Before paying any invoice, always check for duplicate payments. Additionally, all invoices must be approved for products/services requested and be supported by proof of delivery.
These are the only official digital platforms of Afrimat Limited:
Website | |
General Email | |
Afrimat Limited | |
Afrimat Foundation Trust | |
Afrimat Mining Services | |
Afrimat Industrial Minerals | |
Afrimat Hemp | |
X (Twitter) | @Afrimat_Ltd |
@AfrimatCement | |
@AfrimatPhosphates | |
@afrimat_foundationtrust | |
@afrimathemp | |
@airplast_aircoat | |
YouTube | @AfrimatLimited |
If you are unsure about the validity of any documentation, correspondence or digital platforms purporting to be from or represent Afrimat Limited, please contact our audit department: | or contact us via the Whistle-Blowing hotline: website | 071 400 4471 | 021 917 8706
Andries van Heerden
Chief Executive Officer