Afrimat Limited presents its second ESG Report: Showcasing ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices

Afrimat, a leading mid-tier mining and materials company providing Bulk Commodities, Construction Materials, Industrial Minerals and Future Materials and Metals, recently published the Group’s second Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) Report for the F2024 financial year. The report was released in conjunction with the Group’s Integrated Annual Report.

Operating in the mid-tier mining sector, Afrimat is cognisant of their impact on the environment. Environmental management is therefore a critical part of the day-to-day management processes at Afrimat. By understanding the nature of our environmental impact, we are able to approach our operations in a conscious manner and consistently evaluate the effectiveness thereof in an environmental setting.

As Afrimat, we recognise that ESG performance is critical to our long-term success and sustainability. We are committed to being responsible stewards of the environment, supporting our employees and communities, and upholding the highest standards of governance and ethical conduct. I am honoured to share with you the progress we have made in integrating ESG principles into our operations and decision-making within this report,” Collin Ramukhubathi, Executive Director: People & Sustainability.



1.       Mining Right Compliance

  • Mining right conditions set by the DMRE are reflected in the following documents for each mining operation and annual compliance reports in this regard are submitted to the regional DMRE offices:
    • Mine Works Programme; Social and Labour Plan; Environmental Authorisation & Mining Charter
  • Other authority requirements also adhered to:
    • Water use and air emissions licenses & Land Use Planning Act

2.       Internal Sustainability

In addition to its operational departments, the Company boasts an internal sustainability team dedicated to driving ESG initiatives and practices within its operations. Comprising experts from various disciplines, this team is tasked with overseeing environmental stewardship, resource optimisation, and the integration of sustainable practices across all facets of the Company.

3.       Information Compliance

The Group adheres to both POPI and PAIA legislation through the implementation of a privacy policy.

4.       Technology & Information Governance

Through the effective use of information systems, the Company can make informed decisions, targeted marketing strategies, and the ability to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics. Furthermore, technology empowers the Company to optimise internal processes and improve productivity.

5.       Anti-Bribery and Corruption

The Company’s anti-bribery and corruption policy sets a strong stance against any form of fraudulent or corrupt activities within its operations. The policy emphasises a zero-tolerance approach, outlining strict guidelines and procedures to prevent, detect, and address fraudulent behaviour.

All employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any wrongdoing through the Whistle-Blowing Hotline.

6.       Dealings in Securities

The Company’s dealings in securities policy outlines guidelines and procedures governing the trading of securities by employees and stakeholders. It aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The policy provides clear instructions on pre-clearance requirements, reporting obligations, and restrictions on insider trading.


Executive directors: AJ van Heerden (CEO); PGS de Wit (CFO); C Ramukhubathi; MG Odendaal (COO)

Non-executive directors: FM Louw (CHAIRMAN); GJ Coffee; L Dotwana; PRE Tsukudu; S Tuku; JHP van der Merwe; JF van der Merwe; NAS Kruger


People Management

  • Job creation: Afrimat has played a pivotal role in job creation, employing 2 755 (2023: 2 668) individuals across South Africa, thereby fostering economic growth and opportunity within local communities.
  • Learning and development: Afrimat is steadfast in its commitment to developing employees across all levels, having achieved a total of 10 381 (2023: 9 181) interventions aimed at fostering continuous growth and skill
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Afrimat invested R34,4 million (2023: R12,3 million) in CSI, prioritising local labour sourcing for community Extensive social and labour plans are established at all mining sites, fostering sustainable growth and positive impacts.
  • View our 10-year Social and Labour Plan initiatives timeline.
  • Leadership development: Afrimat in partnership with SBS-ed, launched a Senior Leadership Development Programme aimed at creating exemplary leaders, with 30 employees participating across the Group.

Employee Wellbeing – AfriCare Programme

AfriCare gives Afrimat employees and their immediate family members access to a network of professional counsellors across South Africa offered by an independent contractor. These services are mostly offered telephonically and via live text, making access is available anytime and anywhere in South Africa.


We are committed to integrating genuine transformation that permeates the organisation and understand this to be critical for the sustainability of our business in South Africa. Each subsidiary has a dedicated BEE Committee which actions the plans and recommendations of the Social, Ethics & Sustainability Committee in this regard, and further proactively drives improvements in all B-BBEE categories.

Health and Safety

  • Our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (‘LTIFR’) experienced a continuous improvement, from 0,34 to 0,29 by the close of this financial year.
  • As part of our AfriCare initiative, Afrimat has forged a transformative partnership with Netcare 911. Together, we offer lightning-fast emergency response services for any work-related medical crisis, ensuring our employees receive the care they need when they need it most.

Managing Climate Change

  • Operational
  • GHG emissions as well as electricity, water usage, waste management and biodiversity are measured and monitored at all operations and the Group is compliant to the latest regulations on GHG reporting, Carbon Tax, carbon budget and carbon offset.
  • Afrimat has embarked on an operational efficiency drive aimed at enhancing overall performance, including both fleet efficiency and fixed plant improvement. The primary focus is on reducing fuel usage and optimising transportation operations, while also recognising the environmental and economic impacts of fuel consumption.


  • Office settings
  • Moving towards being a paperless company
  • Energy efficient light-emitting diodes (‘LED’s’) in most offices
  • No single use plastics in the kitchens and common areas
  • At head office, recycled stationery is used where possible
  • Battery disposal depots around the office for safe disposal


“As we look to the future, we remain committed to advancing sustainability across our operations. Our newly formulated sustainability strategy outlines ambitious objectives centered on reducing environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and fostering innovation. By investing in cutting-edge technologies, forging strategic partnerships, and embedding sustainability into every facet of our business, we are poised to drive meaningful progress in the years ahead,” Loyiso Dotwana: Chairman of the Social, Ethics & Sustainability Committee.

Media Enquiries

Tanya Pretorius | Head of Communications |

Beware of Investments Scams

Afrimat has noted an increase in fraudulent Telegram and WhatsApp accounts, utilising Afrimat’s Corporate Identity and/or the names and photos of senior Afrimat management, offering services ranging from investment brokering to cryptocurrency trading.

Afrimat has never, and does not intend to in future, offer any financial, investment or related services through any platform.

Afrimat only trades through the regulated stock exchange of the JSE and A2X.

Any other investment scheme or financial service on any platform other than these regulated stock exchanges, are false.

Please direct any scams to our Whistle-Blowing hotline: 

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions