Afrimat Limited distances itself from all Telegram and other social media groups which purport to operate unlawful investment and other related schemes in its name

During the past two years, several fake Telegram and WhatsApp accounts have been established utilising Afrimat’s Corporate Identity and/or the names and photos of senior Afrimat management, offering services that range from investment brokering to cryptocurrency trading. We have recently seen an influx of these fraudulent schemes on Telegram.

I wish to irrevocably state that Afrimat has never, and does not intend to in future, offer any financial, investment or related services through any platform, including but not limited to Telegram.

Afrimat only trades through the regulated stock exchanges of the JSE and A2X.

Any other investment scheme or financial service on any platform other than these regulated stock exchanges, that are trying to lend credibility to their schemes by utilising the Afrimat name or impersonating our people, are false and misrepresent Afrimat’s involvement or endorsement.

I strongly urge anyone who sees such a group, on any social and/or digital media platform, to please report these groups as scams.

If any individual, be it an employee or external party, has information that can be shared with us to track these scammers down, we urge you to send information directly to us via our Whistle-Blowing hotline:

All information will be treated anonymously and with the utmost confidentiality.

We firmly distance ourselves from these schemes and reiterate that we have no association with it or its operators.


Andries van Heerden
Chief Executive Officer
Afrimat Limited

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions