Industrial Minerals: Dolomite


Dolomite can be defined as a Calcium-Magnesium-Carbonate (CaMg(CO3)2), which is utilized extensively in metallurgical applications, and as a construction aggregate.


Dolomite: Product Supply

Metallurgical Grade Dolomite

With less than 3% silica content (SiO2), is a source of magnesium ore (MgO) utilized as a fluxing agent in iron and steel making, and ferrochrome production.

As a Construction Aggregate

Dolomite has an impressively low water demand, allowing for cement savings in concrete applications. It is also used as a road base material, an aggregate in concrete and asphalt, a railroad ballast, fill-material, and in the production of bricks, blocks, and lintels, etc.

Dolomite: Branches

Dolomitic Limestone​, Calcitic Limestone, Dolomite​, Calcite​, Dolomitic Agricultural Lime, Calcitic Agricultural Lime, Pelletised Calcitic Lime, Pelletised Dolomitic Lime​, Pelletised Gypsum​, Granulated Lime​, Sorbent Material​, Quicklime​, Acid Mine Drainage

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