Data-driven mining in action at bulk commodities

The pursuit of efficiency has been a paramount driving force at Afrimat over the past couple of years. Our recent mining conference showcased just how spectacular our journey has been. Our relentless pursuit of efficiency, particularly in the realm of our fixed plants, has yielded remarkable results with some plants more than doubling their output.

At this first-of-its-kind conference, we had the incredible opportunity to shift our spotlight onto the efficiencies of the yellow fleet, all made possible by the remarkable strides in technology that have granted us access to richer and more reliable data than ever before. By combining data retrieved from AVA, On Key, Accpacc, and various other data sources, the operational excellence team could very accurately identify inefficiencies in the load and haul operations of these sites and then pinpoint the costs associated with these inefficiencies.

Strategies for Improvement

A vibrant and constructive discussion unfolded, delving deep into strategies to address these inefficiencies. Moreover, this invaluable data allowed us to conduct a comprehensive comparison of the efficiencies among the various machines deployed across the different sites. What ensued were action plans from each of our sites, concentrating on specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) pinpointed during the conference. These KPIs include cycle delays, average cycle speeds, and start-up and shut-down wastes.

Our teams didn’t stop at identification; they pledged concrete improvements for each KPI. What’s truly exciting is that these KPIs are no longer passive metrics; they will undergo rigorous daily, weekly, and monthly monitoring across all levels of management. This commitment ensures that the promised enhancements will indeed be realised. We’re igniting a new era of accountability and achievement at Afrimat.

Introduction of Mining Momentum KPI

An essential KPI unveiled during this conference is Mining Momentum*, which will be used in a similar fashion to the OPP KPI for our fixed plants. This dynamic metric is calculated by multiplying the tons moved by a piece of equipment with the average cycle distance, and then dividing it by the hours spent in operation, resulting in the powerful measure of ton-kilometres per machine hour. What sets this KPI apart is its remarkable ability to level the playing field, accounting for variations in cycle distances and enabling us to make direct comparisons of efficiency across diverse sites. It’s a game-changer, ensuring that our pursuit of excellence is fuelled by data-driven insights, setting us firmly on the path to even greater achievements.

*Mining Momentum = Tons moved x Cycle distance ÷ Machine hours

To catapult Afrimat from a junior mining player to a formidable mid-tier mining company, the adoption of these technological advancements has become an imperative. Our commitment to this upward trajectory is evident in the proactive steps we’ve taken. These include concrete actions to establish cutting-edge control rooms at our mines. In addition, we’ve invested in comprehensive training programmes to equip our team with the expertise required for the seamless integration of new mine-planning software and geographical tools. This holistic approach is propelling us towards our goal of mining excellence.

A Bright Future Ahead

As we embark on this exciting new chapter in our pursuit of mining excellence, armed with formidable data and a dedication to continuous improvement, the future of Afrimat shines brighter than ever before. With every cycle, every ton moved, and every moment of optimisation, we’re not just shaping the efficiencies of today but laying the foundation for the industry standards of tomorrow. These KPIs aren’t just metrics; they are the compass guiding us toward our vision of becoming a renowned mid-tier mining powerhouse.

Together, with unwavering resolve and a commitment to innovation, we will continue to set new benchmarks, inspire one another, and propel Afrimat to unprecedented heights of success. The journey is thrilling, and the destination is extraordinary. This is Afrimat, and the best is yet to come.

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Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions