Afrimat Limited presents its second ESG Report: Showcasing ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices

Afrimat, a leading mid-tier mining and materials company providing Bulk Commodities, Construction Materials, Industrial Minerals and Future Materials and Metals, recently published the Group’s second Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) Report for the F2024 financial year. The report was released in conjunction with the Group’s Integrated Annual Report. Operating in…
Afrimat Worcester Lab

The Afrimat Worcester lab: ensuring excellence in construction materials

At Afrimat, quality assurance and laboratory testing are fundamental to the safety, durability, and performance of infrastructure projects. Our Afrimat Worcester Lab plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our aggregates meet the highest standards, safeguarding public safety and enhancing the overall quality of construction. The Importance of Quality Assurance…

Tanya Pretorius

Afrimat: Head of Communications

Vanessa Ingram

Keyter Rech Investor Solutions